Color Combinations I Love of Food Pairings I'd Hate
Color theory meets nightmare pairings for a little food x fashion chaos.
I’m a bit obsessed with two things: food and color. Food is probably the more obvious one, as I’m an avid cook. But color is the driving force behind my ever-evolving personal style. In both, I love pushing myself to explore new and unexpected combinations, even when they shouldn’t work (but sometimes do).
You know that saying “if it grows together it goes together”? Consider this is the opposite of that.
This little experiment is also inspired, in part, by A Dictionary of Color Combinations—or at least what I imagine might fill its pages. I’ve only seen snippets and I refuse to investigate further—holding out for the magic of flipping through the real thing one day.
I suppose I could have chosen appetizing food pairings, but where’s the fun in that? This is my weird little corner of the internet, and I shall do with it what I please!! So, here’s six combinations to inspire and repulse you, a simultaneous yuck and yum, with the best/worst saved for last.
Who knows, maybe you’ll prove me wrong and whip up a surprisingly delicious recipe from these cursed creations.
Let’s get into it!
Olive + Raspberry
Meet the chic, grown-up version of my childhood bedroom theme (baby pink and lime green).
This is the only pairing that has the potential to be tasty—maybe a whipped feta situation topped with roasted olives and a raspberry vinaigrette drizzle on top? (There is no saving the rest.)
Tangerine + Garlic
Perhaps someone else would call this creamsicle—not I. This understated pairing is bright, lively, and joyful; essentially a lifeline in the winter.
Radicchio + Banana
Ew, could you imagine? The bitter bite of radicchio with the sweet mush of banana—yuck. But, this color combo? Big yum.
As expected, burgundy makes its annual winter return as a hero color. Meanwhile, pale yellow has been a sleeper hit for a little while now. Together, it’s chef kiss.
Lavender + Asparagus
The boldest of the bunch, undoubtedly the hardest to pull off, and a must-try for spring. Finding the perfect hues of sickly green and powdery purple is key.
Together, these two foods feel inexplicably… French?
Licorice + Tomato
While pairing any color with black may not be revolutionary, making this duo not feel vampire-y or goth is no small feat.
Erewhon Cloud Smoothie + Liver
Was this incredibly gross pairing (and slight outlier) just an excuse to talk about baby blue? Absolutely. Along with the rest of the internet, I’ve fallen hard for this hue as of late.
Hate to say it, but adding liver supplements to smoothies doesn’t seem that unheard of. If anything, it feels very goop.
And, just in case you haven't gagged yet…
The other inspiration for this piece is something my dad recently ate and enjoyed: vanilla-flavored… shrimp. SHRIMP!!! Apparently, it was just a hint of vanilla—like a Lacroix-style, suggestion of flavor—but still unnerving.
I absolutely have to try it next time I’m in Amsterdam.
Love this! I’m always drawn to these unexpected combinations.